Our list of recommended books to read to understand the fashion industry, and why it is important to become more sustainable:

Our list of recommended books to read to understand the fashion industry, and why it is important to become more sustainable:

  • Sustainable fashion, Responsible Consumption, Design, Fabrics, and Materials Wearme Fashion: This book provides all the necessary insight for designers, fashion companies, retailers, and consumers that want to become more sustainable. Here
  • FIX YOUR CLOTHES: LEARN TO MEND, PATCH, AND DARN WITH EASE, Comprehensive guide to mending, patching, and darning clothes Click Here to learn more about this book

  • The Dressmakers of Auschwitz: The True Story of the Women Who Sewed to Survive by Lucy Adlington: A powerful chronicle of the women who used their sewing skills to survive the Holocaust, stitching beautiful clothes at an extraordinary fashion workshop created within one of the most notorious WWII death camps. At the height of the Holocaust twenty-five young inmates of the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp--mainly Jewish women and girls--were selected to design, cut, and sew beautiful fashions for elite Nazi women in a dedicated salon...