Sustainability Picnic at Socrates Sculpture Park

Sustainability Picnic at Socrates Sculpture Park

Join us for our upcoming sustainability-themed picnic at Socrates Sculpture Park! We'll be discussing the latest trends and tips on living sustainably, and we welcome both experts and newcomers to the conversation.

Come enjoy the beautiful park and learn how to make a positive impact on our planet. We kindly encourage attendees to use eco-friendly transportation options such as buses, subways, or ferries, rather than cars or taxis.

And if you need some inspiration for sustainable products to bring along, check out our collapsible food storage container or stainless steel lunch box on Closiist!

If you're interested in buying sustainable products online and would like to receive them on the day of the picnic, simply send us an email. Alternatively, you can select the "gift Closiist" option to receive a sustainable gift on the day of the event.

We're excited to announce that our founders, Julie and Benjamin, will be in attendance with their kids, Adam and Elaia. They're eager to meet you and answer any questions you may have about sustainability.

See you there!


Closiist is your go-to sustainable marketplace for eco-friendly products delivered anywhere in the USA. We are committed to promoting sustainability and making it accessible to everyone. If you want to learn more about sustainable living in NYC, check out our YouTube channel "Green for the Blue." We offer a wide range of informative videos on eco-friendly practices, sustainable products, and more.

Join our community and let's work towards a more sustainable future together! Click the following links to shop on our website or watch our videos on YouTube:

- Closiist website:

- Green for the Blue YouTube channel: