The War in Ukraine

The War in Ukraine

We stand in support of the people of Ukraine and we condemn all forms of war!

Closiist is not intended to play politics and condemns all forms of war. The values of sustainability that we carry every day and which are at the heart of our mission do not only concern the protection of the environment.
Sustainable in its definition refers to three dimensions which are the environment, the economy and the social.
When war broke out, we wondered how Closiist could help. Quickly ShoppingGives, which manages our donations via our You Shop, We Give program, provided us with a number of tips to help people in Ukraine.

We have decided to donate 5% of each order to the United Help Ukraine association

The process is very easy for you. The cause is setup by default, and you will get a confirmation after you check-out.

The people of Ukraine are in our thoughts and we’ll continue to do everything we can to provide support,