Let's listen to our kids' wishes for the future.

Let's listen to our kids' wishes for the future.

Hello, I'm Julie TD, co-owner of Closiist, and I'm excited to offer you a special discount below. During my time in NYC, I've had the pleasure of meeting many environmentally conscious individuals and have decided to interview them. I've given myself 9 months to complete this project, and if you know anyone who shares our commitment to sustainability, please share this video with them.

Today, I had the honor of interviewing Faatiha Aayat, a UN and Harvard speaker, child rights activist, climate campaigner, winner of the President's Education Award and Environmentalist Award in 2022, and author of four published books.

I met Faatiha at a Women and Climate event (here is the link to the video of Michelle, the founder, that I invite you to watch), where she spoke about the importance of listening to children and their opinions about the future. Faatiha arranged to meet me in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, after spending over two hours cleaning leaves with the Girl Scouts."