Green Aventurine Yoni Eggs

Gemstone Yoni
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Activate a new you by harnessing the power of Gemstone Yoni Eggs. Designed to supercharge your kegel exercises, our Green Aventurine yoni eggs will activate your vaginal muscles to bring out heightened sensations and your orgasmic feminine side. Stimulate your heart chakra to infuse love into your energy and open yourself up to divine connection with yourself and those around you. Use this yoni egg to beautifully guide you through the process of shedding blocks around your heart chakra so you can hold space for a fresh spiritual awakening.

Green Aventurine will lead the path to abundance and opportunity as you release negativity and energy blockages. Aventurine crystals are known as a stone of luck and will help you to manifest money while you luxuriate in setting your sex life on fire. This green quartz facilitates the release of old disappointments, habits, and patterns of behavior to make room for new energies that empower you as you blossom.

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