Colección: Cuidado dental

Tipo de producto
10 productos
Onali Natural Solid Toothpaste - organic, zerowaste, vegan! Cleans, shines, fights plaque, freshens breath. Travel-friendly, eco-friendly. Shop now!
Onali Natural Solid Toothpaste - organic, zerowaste, vegan! Cleans, shines, fights plaque, freshens breath. Travel-friendly, eco-friendly. Shop now!
Onali Natural Solid Toothpaste - Ditch Plastic, Shine Bright, Smile Green (Organic, Vegan, Zero-Waste!)
El ritual del cuidado bucal - Canela - Ayurvédico
El ritual del cuidado bucal - Canela - Ayurvédico
El ritual del cuidado bucal - Canela - Ayurvédico
Limpiador de lengua de cobre - Ayurvédico
Limpiador de lengua de cobre - Ayurvédico
Limpiador de lengua de cobre - Ayurvédico
A photo of the charcoal dental floss, showing its black color and refreshing spearmint flavor.
Hilo dental de carbón en botella de vidrio - Zerowaste & vegan
A photo of the bamboo travel toothbrush case, showing its sleek design and sustainable materials.
A photo of a bamboo toothbrush inside the travel case, showing how well it fits.
Estuche para cepillos de dientes de bambú - Sostenible, sin plástico
This travel kit (TSA approved)
Kit de viaje - Neceser de belleza
Kit de viaje - Neceser de belleza
Cuidado dental primitivo: una guía casera para una higiene bucal incivilizada (Zine)
Cuidado dental primitivo: una guía casera para una higiene bucal incivilizada (Zine)
Reap the benefits of activated coconut charcoal, essential oils of Oregano, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Spearmint, Clove, and Myrrh in a 6-month supply of MCT coconut oil-based Charcoal Infused Tooth + Gum Oil. Detoxify stubborn plaque and bacteria buildup while balancing pH levels for healthy, vibrant teeth.
Reap the benefits of activated coconut charcoal, essential oils of Oregano, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Spearmint, Clove, and Myrrh in a 6-month supply of MCT coconut oil-based Charcoal Infused Tooth + Gum Oil. Detoxify stubborn plaque and bacteria buildup while balancing pH levels for healthy, vibrant teeth.
Diente con infusión de carbón + aceite de encías; Equilibra los niveles de PH, minimiza las bacterias + desintoxica// //Suministro para 6 meses
This cute travel kit pouch has everything you need to be fresh while traveling. It includes:  a Shampoo bar, a Conditioner bar, a Body Moisturizer bar, a Face & Bust cream, a Facial Cleansing pod, an Underarms Aroma pod, a Lip balm, and Toothpaste powder.
This cute travel kit pouch has everything you need to be fresh while traveling. It includes:  a Shampoo bar, a Conditioner bar, a Body Moisturizer bar, a Face & Bust cream, a Facial Cleansing pod, an Underarms Aroma pod, a Lip balm, and Toothpaste powder.
Bolsa de belleza limpiadora de viaje: cero residuos, aprobada por la TSA, libre de crueldad, ecológica y sostenible
Bamboo Toothbrush - Zero Waste, and Biodegradable Brooklyn Made Natural
Bamboo Toothbrush - Zero Waste, and Biodegradable Brooklyn Made Natural
Cepillo de dientes de bambú: cero residuos y biodegradable